Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sliding time!

Daddy's softball park has a playground, and she loved the slide.  She could do it independently but enjoyed being cheered on.

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"Learning to slide by herself. "

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Zeke.

Showing her grandpa the gift she made for him.  Its a canvas with dot marker paints. She really had fun making it.

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"Elsa and her birthday gift for Grandpa Haid"

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Elsa as a 15 Month Old

She is decisive and wants to follow the idea she had, not a suggestion you want.

She is easily brought to giggles and years by her brother.

She likes to carry small bags around and place objects inside. Her favorite are white paper produce bags. They are large enough for 10 blocks to be carried trough the house.

She prefers to sleep in our room in the pack n play, but we move her at 9 pm to her crib.

She often wakes at 530, has breakfast on the couch with her dad- lucky charms cereal- and watches the news. Then he changes her diaper, gives her a bottle, and puts her down for a lap until 8 am.

She really likes crowds of children, like at library story time. T makes her very excited.

She is not afraid of the swimming pool but only wants to stay for half an hour because she gets cold.

She does not seem to prefer any type of tv and doesn't really watch it.

She seems to like pop music as well as children's music. She bibs her head, waves her hands, and claps.

She likes to be read to now and will drag a book into our lap. She likes books with cats, and this book called Me and My Meow might be her favorite over Pat the Bunny.

She is not a very picky eater, bit he will stick her tongue out and refuse something if she doesn't want it.

When she wakes up from her nap, she talks to an plays with a few dolls in her crib. One is her favorite and it is a small cabbage patch baby doll dressed as a lamb. She gives it to us to hug and kiss.

She has started to ask is for goldfish cracker snacks when she is hungry.

She is more adorable and precious to me as the days go by.

Elsa Like: Drinking with Straws.

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"Tiny blue powerade slushie. "

Cool refreshments on the front porch.

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"Sonic after pool"

Swimming Pool Full of Blocks.

Elsa spent the morning playing on the patio with her dad while I shopped with her brother. We brought home these blocks and she helped wash them in her wading pool.

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"Washing a yard sale find!"

Pool Visit

Preferred Pool Spot: the deck chairs.

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(taken at Lake Of The Woods Golf Course)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Hot Kids on Porch Bench.

Another hot day in Missouri! The kids are out ready for the park at 8 AM, and its already 90. We will play until everyone is too sweaty to play anymore.

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"Waiting for their mama. "

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sick Dad Reads Book to Daughter

Dan was sick but Elsa still needed him to read her The Hungry Caterpillar book.

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"This is how Dan spends sick day. "

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Perfect Day at the ARC pool

Patiently waiting for me in the locker room.

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"Good time at Little Swimmers! No fussing - good attitudes!!"
(taken at ARC)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reading and Bottle: Bedtime Essentials.

She still begs for bottles and never drinks milk from a sip cup at 15 months.

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"Readying herself for bed. "

Friday, July 13, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sushi Lunch.

Elsa still loves sushi. We usually get the California Roll with the fake crab, avocado, and cucumber.

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"Chopstick practice! "

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Late Night Reading

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"Don't wanna go back to bed. I am sick and grumpy and want to read my tractor book. "

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Blowing a Peg Whistle.

She mimicked her brother in this game, but made her own "flute".

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"Tower of pegs = horn"

Independent Play: Stacking Pegs

Elsa can play alone while I clean the kitchen and always finds something to amuse herself.

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"Building towers in her kitchen. "

Monday, July 9, 2012

Reminding us to pray!

Tonight at dinner, Dan sat down to eat.
Elsa clapped her hands and got his attention saying, "A! A!"
Then she made praying hands.

She certainly knows the procedure for meals around here!

After praying, usually we say, "Yay God! Yay Elsa for praying!!"
Today she cheered and said "A!! A!!" on her own.

Words at 15 Months

Mama (ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma)
DeeDee (Daniel's family nickname)
Da-da (Dogs or Dad)
Da-de (Daddy)
Eck-ew (uh-oh - one of her very first words)Day Be (Baby, baby doll, sometimes daddy)
Ba (Ball)
Ish (Fish)
Bat (Bath)
Eeese (Please)
Muah! (I love it! Kisses!)

All done
Thank you

Don't like it
Want it

Receptive Laungauge
Understands most commands, such as:
Go and get your shoes from the shoe basket
Give that thing to me
Go and get ____ for me
Come over here
No, stop that.
Turn that light off, please.
Turn that light on, please.
Time for bed.
Say goodnight.
Kiss me.
Wave goodbye.
Say hello.
Go outside.
Let's go inside.
Go get a plate.
Let's go get a bottle.
Go to your high chair to eat!

Helpful Elsa

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"Helping with the dish washer. "

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Using Nail Clippers.

This was her OWN idea! I was clipping Daniel's nails and she got another clipper and came to clip my nails.  She was so proud of her efforts!

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"Thanks for the pedi, Elsa! "

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sibling Play

It was a hot day at the ball field.  Elsa came up to bonk Daniel, and they played a squealing game together.

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"Ballpark fun. "
(taken at Rainbow Softball Center)

Snack Place

Elsa is a good climber.

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"Elsa took her snack to a special snack spot today. She is so decisive and cool. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pizza lunch.

She ate with a fork.

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"Pizza lunch. "
(taken at Shakespeare's Pizza)

I think this may be her favorite dress... she chooses this one a lot.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bridge Walk

Elsa chasing Daniel on a bridge at Stephen's Lake.
We were out there before 8 AM, and it was still 90 degrees.

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"Bridge run/ride"
(taken at Stephens Lake Park)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Held by Daddy

Looking out at Little Dizie Lake after we went to look at a home for sale nearby.

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"Lake looking "
(taken at Little Dixie Lake)

This is one of our favorite dresses for Elsa.  When she walks, it swings like a bell.