Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oh How We Love You

Dear Elsa,

Here is another love letter, inspired by the last hour or so we spent with you.

As your parents, we often marvel at how lucky we got when we got you.  We mention all the time how lovely we find you, how absolutely delightful you are, and how you make our lives even better.  (And you should know, life was pretty darn excellent before you were here, too.)

Tonight you were awake when your dad went into our room to brush his teeth.  You grinned your huge, open mouth smile when he picked you up.  You get so excited when you see another person com into the room when you are awake. Then you giggled when your daddy played tickle with you and you laughed the loudest I've heard you.  You smiled and looked at us both with such adoration that it made our hearts just swell.

I hope we remember to tell you how we feel about you when you are older.  I want to make it a point to tell you (daily, I hope!) that I am happy you are in our lives and that we care about you so much.  I also want to tell you that God designed you to to have a unique purpose in the world and that we'll help you as much as possible to develop your talents so you can serve Him as your best you.

Here are some photos of you sleeping.  They are precious to us because you are just as adorable asleep as you are awake. We also appreciate how you are unique from your brother - you suck your thumb for comfort, whereas he never did.

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