Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Such a Delight

Darling Elsa,

I write you this letter as you are settling to sleep at your Douglas grandparents' home, in a crib upstairs in the very place my bed was during my high school years at home.  We are here for a brief visit and you have charmed everyone!  As the potato soup simmers on the stove and the cloth diapers are in the washing machine and about a dozen other things are on my mind, I have to just STOP and pen this love letter to you.

You need to know that you are loved by your immediate family, your extended family, and above all, you are LOVED by your heavenly Father.  Christ died for YOU, Elsa, so that you can have an abundant life full of joy and hope that when your life on Earth is over (however perfect or dismal your life turns out) you can have a WONDERFUL life in heaven.  You'll see me there, as well as my parents and my grandparents, your father, and other people who love you here on Earth who also trust in God for their Salvation.

I want you to have a sound and smart mind, a high level of emotional intelligence, be physically healthy, but above all, I am concerned for your spiritual well being.  I pledge to you that I will pray for you and with you and try to guide you to the Cross.  It is ultimately your choice to accept the blame for your sins and to realize that its out of your realm of control to compensate with God for them.  He loves you so much, but you cannot repay back what you've done.  You need Jesus to do that for you, and lucky! He already has, about 2000 years ago.  Please, please when you read this, ask me a question if you don't understand this concept well.

I love you little darling.
mama bethany

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