Monday, September 12, 2011

A(n Occasional) Cry Baby

So I wrote recently about how you never cry.
And then you started!

Your brother is responsible for some of the crying, namely, when he says, "Whack Elsie!" or "Pull Elsiebuggy!".  Those are not good signals for your pain threshold.

You also cry when you get startled, especially when you are falling asleep.  For example, you were at my Bible study and the speaker, a very passionate woman named Beth Moore, said, "Praise God!", which made you jump.  You bumped your head in your jump and started to howl.  I think you are a little sensitive to Beth Moore.

You cry and fuss around 4 PM, and I think its teething pain.  It lasts until you go to bed (inconsistently, but you're not feeling super peachy and friendly when you are not crying) or until I give you baby Tylenol.

You also cry when I lay you down for your nap/nighttime.  When I pick you up a second later, you sigh and stop crying. You rest your head on my shoulder or face and seem to beg to stay cuddled up longer.  When I put you back down, making sure you don't have a gas bubble to bother you, you cry again.  This cry lasts about a minute, and then you settle down and accept that its napping time. You fall asleep in about five minutes.

You also cry when you are overtired. So I try to avoid that. Those are some LOUD, dramatic cries.

Your cries include a good, long howl and often include tears.

I hate to see you cry, but you are sweet when you pout.  And your volume is impressive!

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