Tuesday, February 1, 2011

End of the Second Trimester! And Beginning of the Last!

The second trimester of this pregnancy is over!  I am pretty happy about this for a few reasons.

First of all, it wasn't obvious to many that I was actually pregnant up through the first six months.  In mid January I did a prenatal yoga series frequently, which moved the baby from deep in my pelvis up.  It was more comfortable for me, but it totally changed my profile! I am not obviously pregnant.  This means I have been receiving more kind gestures at work and in public places.  I am totally content with people offering to carry heavy objects for me or to hold doors.  Thank you!

Secondly, the all day nausea has stopped, and with that, I only throw up a few times per day now.  Usually, its in the morning.  I find that the strong acid reflux medicine, when taken at night, really helps me to have less throwing up in the morning.  Therefore, I am able to eat breakfast, which means I throw up less through the days.  The cycle is starting to break!  This is truly wonderful. I don't have to take the expensive anti-nausea medicine anymore.  I hope that as time goes by, the nausea and vomiting will stop completely.  It did with Daniel at about 8.5 months.  I am at 7 months now, and there are many days when I cannot eat dinner because of how sick I feel or I go to be feeling sick, but it was 100% of the time for months 1-5, so this is great improvement!

Next of all, it makes a lot more logical sense for me to be physically and mentally preparing for the baby if the bulk of gestation is over.  In my mind, I am so much less worried about the health of the pregnancy than I was a few weeks ago.  I cannot even compare this experience to Daniel's pregnancy, wherein I was afraid of his death until weeks after he is born. I think I will be truly surprised if there are complications, whereas before I predicted them and assumed them.  This confidence helps me to prepare for buying baby girl things and also rethinking how we schedule our day and our our lives will change.

Other news....

I did not gain weight this trimester.  I lost weight.  I am so happy for the majority of winter to be OVER so I won't catch any more terrible viruses or flus or other diseases.  I spent so much time being regular-sick that it was almost unimportant that I was morning-sick.  I was sick nearly the entire month of November and had the worst stomach bug I've had in years just before Christmas.

We are nearly certain we won't buy H2 a crib, not right away.  We had planned on purchasing a mini crib and putting it up in our room.  However, our son slept in the moses basket for two months, and thus we think that DHH will be ready for a different bed set up by the time she needs a bed.  We'll cross that bridge when we get there!  She might find her way into a mini crib or her brother's crib.  We're not sure yet!  At this point, it doesn't seem to be as big of a deal.  We know that we can get 2 day shipping for the crib through Amazon Prime, and we hope that we'll have some gift cards or money to use to prepare for that.

I've decided to go totally disposable free with this baby, too.  That means Huggies wipes, Pampers Swaddlers, and bottle liners won't have a place in our house!  I have nearly enough cloth to bring to the hospital (yes, there, too!) and the cloth wipe system we've been using is fantastic.  I am not sure why I used the Playtex Drop Ins... perhaps it was just a bottle I had from a shower, but I will nurse the first month and then she'll have a daily bottle of expressed milk from an Avent bottle we already own.  I think that since its a once a day thing, we won't have all these dirty bottles lying about the house.  It should be easy to rinse them and then put them in the dishwasher.  I am totally comfortable with this decision to make less trash for the baby and I think its as important for me as a statement about how I feel about sustainable living as how I feel about wasting money by throwing baby items away!

At my last appointment, I rescheduled the gestational diabetes test for this week, but today the receptionist notified me that The Blizzard will cause the office to close.  I will take it later.  I've also asked the doctor to not have weekly appointments unless he finds a reason to schedule them, so I'll go every other week, sort of a low-high risk sort of appointment.

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